Before you hit the road on your scooter, it's important to gather up the right safety gear. We've created the following list of must-have riding accessories below. For more tips or to shop scooters for sale, head over to BMW Motorrad of Santa Maria. Our dealership is based in Santa Maria, California.

The Right Helmet

Sure, scooters don't hit high speeds. But it's still important to wear a helmet. It'll offer valuable protection in the event of a crash.

However, not all helmets will offer the protection you seek. There are many situations where its effectiveness will be compromised including a helmet being too loose, it suffering from past damage, and it being too old with bindings that have started breaking down.

It's also best to choose a full face helmet. This offers the best coverage, which results in the best protection. If you're worried about comfort on your scooter rides, pick a model with plenty of padding.

The Right Footwear

Open-toed shoes, soft canvas shoes, and slip-on shoes do not pair well with safe scooter riding. A better option is sturdy, full coverage shoes that offer plenty of grip.

The Right Clothing

There are plenty of distracted drivers on the road that can easily miss seeing you on your scooter. Throw on highly visible clothing, such as clothing with bright colors or reflective elements, to ensure you are seen!

Want more information on riding gear? Want to shop for scooters for sale? Whatever you need, the experts at BMW Motorrad of Santa Maria are here to help. Contact us or stop by our dealership in Santa Maria, California.